Yemeni claimants in Iraq

Yemeni claimants in Iraq

  The signs of emergence are one of the most attractive and popular and at the same time one of the most vulnerable parts of Mahdavi education. Dedicating a major part of Mahdavi tradition to this issue is the best proof of this issue. This attraction, on the one hand, increases public interest in this […]

Attack on a passenger plane with the flag of democracy

Attack on a passenger plane with the flag of democracy

July 12th coincided with the anniversary of the missile attack of the American “Vincent” aggressor ship on the passenger plane of the Islamic Republic of Iran Airlines and the martyrdom of 290 of its innocent passengers. In the “Airbus” disaster, which is considered one of the most important violations of human rights, international law and […]

Collapse of globalization

Collapse of globalization

Norwegian thinker and political activist Paul Stegan analyzed the decline of the American empire in a note and believes that 2016 should be considered the year of the collapse of globalization and the nature of the capitalist system. He wrote about this: It is often difficult to know when historical milestones will occur. We are […]

Election victory with defense shutdown

Election victory with defense shutdown

After the end of World War II, the armies of Germany and Japan were disbanded by the Allies led by the United States (as the victorious side of the war) between 1945 and 1946, but this disbandment did not last long and only lasted until the mid-1950s. In the new words of the former commander […]

Imam Caoyang, the leader of the militant Muslims of China

Imam Caoyang, the leader of the militant Muslims of China

Imam Caoyang is one of the militant Muslim clerics who migrated to Mecca (Mazmah) to study religious sciences. It was during this time that the communist revolution (Mao) was formed in China and China went towards becoming communist. In 1950, Imam Caoyang returned to his homeland to promote and preserve Islam in China as the […]


The difference between men and women

  The problem we are facing in this research is the recognition of the differences between men and women, the role and function of the differences. The goal is to accurately identify the difference between these two sexes in different dimensions, to achieve the necessary background and foundations for a peaceful and cheerful life in […]


A massive nuclear war at Armageddon

  In the battle of Armageddon, huge events will occur, during a huge nuclear war, most of the population of the planet will be destroyed. In the meantime, only 144,000 Jews who believe in Christ will be taken to heaven with Christ.