In the battle of Armageddon, huge events will occur, during a huge nuclear war, most of the population of the planet will be destroyed.
In the meantime, only 144,000 Jews who believe in Christ will be taken to heaven with Christ.
And from above they witness the occurrence of war and related disasters, until the war ends and they return to the land of descent and establish a government that will lead to a happy life for them. According to the fundamentalists, this government will last for a thousand years and that is why they call it the Millennium of Happiness. The Millennium of Happiness is extremely important to the believers of this school and they have emphasized its occurrence and quality.
In other words, these are the millenarians who are waiting for a thousand years of life in the ultimate happiness and prosperity, under the shadow of Christ’s rule.
Dr. Morgan Strong says in this regard:
“According to the science of eschatology, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics and everyone else will perish in the apocalyptic war or will believe in fundamentalist and fundamentalist Christianity.”
These are the millenarians who are waiting for a thousand years of life in the ultimate happiness and prosperity, under the shadow of Christ’s reign.
Millennialists believe that the Millennial Age will occur after the appearance of Christ and the event of Armageddon. The origin of the millennium is Jewish in origin and it entered Christian sources through Jewish sources and it indicates that a savior will come and this apocalyptic savior will sacrifice himself for the nation of Israel and deliver them from torment and return to Jerusalem.
There are two factions in the belief of millennialism, one faction is called pre-millennial, which believes that Armageddon and the coming of Christ will be before the millennium of happiness. The other faction, who are post-millennial, believe that a thousand-year government will be established first, and then Christ will appear. But the common denominator of these two factions is the return of the Jews and the establishment of the state of Israel.
As we know, in order to spread these thoughts and ideas as much as possible, fundamentalist Christians have engaged in extensive propaganda with various methods and tools. As mentioned earlier, the influence of this school is so much that in today’s world, it has attracted many people in different social, political and cultural sectors. Big companies like Hollywood and Disney, Microsoft and big material companies
Food such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s and famous clothing companies all over the world that we all are more or less familiar with.
We took a brief look at recent examples of expanding and spreading the thoughts of this school. As the famous American pastor, “Hal Landsey”, the fundamentalist author in the best-selling book “Earth’s Falling Star” states that Americans must destroy the globe of time. Of course, this destruction includes themselves. They must destroy themselves and everything they have, such as: trees, flowers, poems, arts, literature, music, etc., so that nothing from the past remains for them and there is no tomorrow on earth.
Zionist Christians from the Protestant sect in America and England believe that Christ has always intervened in the affairs of the Middle East for the benefit of the state of Israel.
As it was said, the religious leaders of Protestant denominations in the United States and England who believe in this emerging school of “Christ’s Desires” in the 1990s. The mentioned beliefs have been strongly propagated in the American and European society, and in the last 10 years, dozens of books have been published and various films have been shown in this field. the priest
American “Hal Lindsay” another book titled “In the prophecies of the Bible; Where is the place of America? which is one of the best-selling books of 2001 in America. In this book, the role of the Washington government in the Armageddon War is explained. The author has proved in this book that the American government will lead the war of Armageddon and will defeat the opponents of Christ all over the world who have caused terror in the world before the start of this war. In this holy war, the British government will be America’s partner. At the height of the Cold War, the US government called its intercontinental ballistic missiles “swords of holy war”. The followers of this school have preached for the past decade that the Desert Storm operation against Iraq in 1991 was a prelude to the Armageddon war.
Zionist Christians from the Protestant sect in America and England believe that Christ has always intervened in the affairs of the Middle East for the benefit of the Israeli government and declare that the will of the Israeli government is in fact the will of Christ and that peace negotiations in the Middle East are futile and the establishment of the state of Israel Great, from the Nile River to the Euphrates River, is the will of Christ that will be fulfilled soon.