secret meetings with Netanyahu

  • کد خبر : 845
  • ۰۵ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۵ - ۱۴:۰۶

                                Whistleblower revealed the news behind the Al Saud family in Saudi Arabia recent visit to Jordan, the king’s son met with Benjamin Netanyahu.  The international group Young Journalists Club , active in social networking Saudi nicknamed “priest” to the revelations of the news behind the House of Saud is known in Arabic media on […]

                                Whistleblower revealed the news behind the Al Saud family in Saudi Arabia recent visit to Jordan, the king’s son met with Benjamin Netanyahu.

 The international group Young Journalists Club , active in social networking Saudi nicknamed “priest” to the revelations of the news behind the House of Saud is known in Arabic media on his personal page on the social network Twitter to the newspaper “Al Hashimiyya News », organs close to the king of Jordan, said:” Muhammad bin Salman, “the son of the king of Saudi Arabia and the country’s defense minister on his recent trip to Jordan,” Netanyahu, “the Israeli prime minister, met Are.
لینک کوتاه : https://mostajar.com/?p=845

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