The American economic system was based on capitalism from the very beginning. The originality of private ownership, the control of the means of production by real and legal persons, the non-interference of the government in economic activities and only its supervision and guidance were emphasized in the Constitution and ordinary laws of America.
After the industrial growth in the late 19th century, capitalist enterprises were created and then these enterprises became large economic enterprises, “cartels” and “trusts” and monopolies. Although sometimes the government passes anti-trust laws to control the economy in favor of petty capitalists; But in a capitalist system, these laws could not be effective. Today, international non-governmental banks play a major role in the American economy with large investments and stock purchases.
Today, the entire economic fields of American capitalism are in the hands of a very small number of financial capitalists. From the roadside gas station to the copper mine in Chile, it is under the control of these complicit capitalists.
According to the report of the Progressive Labor Party of America, two major groups control the American economy: “Rockefeller” group and “Morgan” group. Four smaller groups, “Melon”, “Cleveland”, “BangAmerica” and “Boston” group with a non-independent role and five very small regional groups, hold most of the wealth and capital of America. With the cooperation of these groups, 85 out of 100 large industrial companies, 38 out of 40 large banks, 19 out of 20 large insurance companies, 18 out of 20 large transportation companies, 18 out of 20 public benefit companies, 7 out of 10 large branches Commerce, 12 out of 15 big banks have savings.
These groups control most of the military, aviation, marine, machine building and land, sea and air transportation industries and own roads, railways, post, electricity, water and the most important large media, news agencies, television, radio and newspapers, and the government He is considered the only tax receiver and the market and the law of supply and demand determine the type of production, size and quality of goods. It is worth mentioning that most of the capital in America is in the hands of Jews or Jewish Christians.
The role of capitalists in the American political system
Obviously, when the foundation of a country is capitalism, capitalists play a major role in this system; Because all the power levers of wealth, social position, power and propaganda are in their hands. The influence of capitalists in America is not a reality, but an accepted culture. Capitalists or their propagandists have clearly taught this issue to the people since the beginning of America.
John Jay, lawyer and representative of New York State, and one of the authors of the Constitution and the Secretary of State and the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, said clearly in the first days of the founding of the United States: “The government should be in the hands of those who have the country’s funds in their hands.” The
James Madison, the father of the US Constitution and the fourth president, wanted the Senate to represent the big landowners. The theorists who support this thought argued as follows: “The rich will try to impose their rule on others and bring them under their yoke. They have always done this and always will. The only guarantee against them is to make them a separate class with separate interests. In this way, two forces, one originating from the nobles and the rich and the other originating from other people, are placed in front of each other and a balance is established between them.
The role of the rich in politics was part of the structure of the American capitalist system from the very beginning. Alexander Hamilton, the founder of American capitalism and George Washington’s Treasury Secretary, believed: “The power of the government must rely on the power of the owners of money; Because these are the clearest and most reliable supporters of a real government.
George Washington, who wanted a real government, owned a thousand-acre plantation with 135 slaves and believed: “The creation of a capitalist system with all kinds of visible and invisible disciplines and unbreakable links between the government apparatus and the world of money is preferred over the creation of a democratic system.” “And such preference continues to this day. The system that Washington and Hamilton created, with the cooperation of the owners of capital, is still completely stable.
Council on Foreign Relations
The role of capitalists in American politics was unorganized until World War I. During the First World War, on the initiative of one of President Woodrow Wilson’s advisors, named House, a forum called “Council on Foreign Relations” was established from American capitalists.
Since then, most of the advisors and ministers of the government were chosen from among these people. They used to influence the victory or defeat of one of the presidential candidates with their financial-advertisement interventions, and they determined the policy of the American foreign policy by recommending and then changing public opinion.
Many researchers have conducted noisy research on the methods, goals, strategy, and activities of this council, but due to the semi-secret nature of this council, comprehensive information about this has not yet been published in America; But briefly, it is possible to explain to some extent the reason for its establishment, its goals, members, and the form of its influence.
The best income for international bankers is paying loans to domestic and foreign governments; Because governments have more credibility, power and support in repaying it. International bankers propose the establishment of a central bank to repay their loans to governments; Because in order to control a government, the establishment of a central bank with the exclusive right to supply money and print banknotes, which is managed by private bankers, is an undeniable necessity.
American bankers proposed a central bank to the government; But President William Howard Taft (1909-1913) opposed the establishment of this bank and said he would veto it. The international bankers wanted to replace “Taft” with a submissive person. The bankers found Woodrow Wilson, the governor of New Jersey, to be the most suitable person and nominated him for the presidency. Polls showed that Taft is more popular than his rival. The financiers invested in the nomination of Teddy Roosevelt from the progressive party to break the votes of the Republican supporters. As a result, the Republican votes were divided between Taft and Roosevelt, and Wilson became the president with 42% of the votes.
Capitalists, a person named Edward. M. House was placed next to Wilson as an adviser, he appointed the members of the cabinet and reached the point where Wilson said clearly: “Mr. House is my second character. He is me in another form. One of House’s actions in 1919 was the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations. In the book Wise Men, which is actually a history of the Council on Foreign Relations, Schulzinger writes about the members of the Council: “Almost all of them were bankers or lawyers.” Almost this combination remained until years later. In fact, American bankers came to the conclusion that for more and better effect, they should officially but semi-secretly establish a committee for mutual thinking, policy making and influence.
Objectives of the council
Gary Allen, the author of the best-selling book “Nobody Dare Call It a Conspiracy” believes in his extensive and interesting research: The owners of the international cartels, who were looking for a world government to dominate the world, first prepared the First World War and came up with the “League of Nations” plan for world domination. After launching the war, the international capitalists forced Wilson to participate in the war. After the end of the war, they sought to form the League of Nations in America to become a tool for their world government.
In 1919, Colonel House met with members of a secret society known as the “Round Table” in Paris to establish an organization whose mission would be to propagate the glory of world government among the people of America, England, and Western Europe. It was decided that the main axis of the propaganda would be “Peace”.
“Mizgerd” was an organization founded by the king of gold and diamonds, the famous financier Cecil Rhodes. It was established in England. The goal of this organization was to realize a new world system. In one of his wills, known as the “Secret Society’s Will”, Rhodes specified his goal as “extending British rule over the whole world”. His executor was Lord Rothschild, who in 1891 established a secret society called “Mizgerd” with his property. The members of the round table in England formed an organization called “Royal Institute for International Affairs” and with their encouragement, “Council on Foreign Relations” was also formed in America.
Colonel House, the mysterious face of Wilson’s government, with the support of Walter Lippman, John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen Dulles and Christian Herter, after an important meeting in Paris with the members of the “round table” group of the Council on Foreign Relations. formed
The most important financial kings of America after the First World War, i.e. Morgan Group, Rockefeller, Cohen Bank, Loop & Partners, Dillion Reed & Partners Bank, Harriman Bank and Brown Brothers were represented in this council.
The Council on Foreign Relations has been known as “Organizations”, “Invisible Government” and even “Rockefeller’s State Department”. This semi-secret organization has undoubtedly become the most influential political group in America.
“The official members of the Council of Foreign Relations are composed of a number of around 1.500 of the most elite heads of government, labor, commerce, finance, foundations and charity affairs, communication and academia, and despite the fact that this council holds all the important positions in all governments. which has occupied its members from the time of President Franklin Roosevelt until today, despite this, it is not believed that one person out of every thousand Americans has heard the name of this council.
James Perloff, the author of Shadows of Power, also believes that the same Council on Foreign Relations led America to World War II. With the documents he presents, he writes: Franklin Roosevelt won the second round of the presidential election with the slogan “not going to war”. Roosevelt declared in his speech on October 30, 1940: I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again and again: “Your sons are not to be sent to any war outside the United States”; But the Council of Foreign Relations was in favor of America’s entry into the war for world domination; Therefore, in the Shura magazine called “Foreign Affairs”, he started preaching and preaching about getting armed and going to war. In 1940, some members of the Shura signed a letter in which they insisted: “The United States must immediately declare that a state of war exists between this country and Germany.” They wrote in the last issue of the magazine before the “Pearl Harbor” event:
“The hope for the future of the world, and the only hope, lies in the co-operation of the free nations of the world in a common government…The recognition of common needs and common responsibilities by both nations [America and England] is the greatest achievement to result from the war. Just as for the fathers of these people, the community of nations was what stood up against the calamity of the first war.
Finally, the US Secretary of War, Henry Steinman, who was one of the council members, started to provoke the Germans and Japanese. Although the Germans showed tolerance due to their experience of World War I, the Japanese government bombed and destroyed the American fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor, and America officially entered the war. Later, it was discovered that before the Japanese attack, the counterintelligence of the US military had detected the imminent attack of the Japanese through the discovery of the code, and had regularly sent this information to the president and General George Marshall, the chief of staff, but they kept this information secret and in their possession. They had not placed the navy. In this way, America entered the war and then hosted a world organization called the United Nations. The most important tools of the Council are the media. Most of the media are under the control of the economic groups of the Shura. The big radio and television networks ABC, CBC, NBC are owned by the Rockefeller and Morgan group. The important American newspapers, New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Los Angeles Times, and hundreds of local, specialized newspapers and prestigious magazines and dozens of large publications are also advertising tools of these capitalists.
The influence of the Foreign Relations Council on the government is in three ways:
۱- The advice of the council or its members to the American rulers
۲- Writing books, articles and extensive media advertisements to influence public opinion.
۳- The influence of their own people in sensitive government positions such as ministries and advisors.
Of course, by interfering financially in the elections, the council also makes the presidents indebted to them, just as they made Wilson win in the presidential elections. If the Council was able to bring an unknown man named Nixon to the presidency, and in return, Nixon appointed “more than 110 people from the Council on Foreign Relations to government positions”. The Council continues to guide US foreign policy with economic interests in mind.