The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the 14th meeting of the International Committee for the Preservation of Human Spiritual Heritage in Colombia, registered hospitality and service during the Arbaeen pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (AS) as a spiritual heritage.
Accordingly, Hassan Polark, the head of the People’s Participation Committee of the Arbaeen Headquarters, congratulated the world registration of the Arbaeen processions in a statement, the text of which is as follows;
in the name of God
Arbaeen is a manifestation of integration and convergence and modern Islamic civilization.
We thank the Almighty God for providing us with unity and integrity and faith and belief in the authenticity of the Messenger in an era when global arrogance led by the United States has used all its desperate efforts to destroy Islam and create division between Islamic societies. And the master of the martyrs of the world, Hazrat Seyyed al-Shohda (a.s.) chose a path that is considered great todayIt is called the most important human event.
The wise measures of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (MadazlaAl- Aali ) based on the creation of a new Islamic civilization based on the teachings and lessons of the great movement of Arbaeen Hosseini (AS), with Relying on the Almighty God and the efforts of all the servants, sympathizers and lovers of Ahl al-Bayt is possible and possible.God willing
Hereby the world record Arbaeen Hosseini (PBUH) walking processions in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the Noble Nation of Iran, Dear marchers of Iran and Iraq, especially the board of trustees, executive directors and servants In the formation and development of this very important event, with dedication and sincere efforts and mujahidan service, the Moakebs have taken effective steps in raising the flag of Seyyed al-Shahda (AS), I congratulate and wish all of you, dear ones, more and more success from God.