In the pages of Islamic history, the political hand of Taghout leaders in religious sects is evident. The trick of the Umayyad politicians – especially during the reign of Muawiya – in drawing parallels with the Prophet’s family and competing with the Hoda imams, can be clearly seen in the visible and hidden aspects of Islamic history. The forgery of a group called “Zahad Tsamaniyyah” and making them dignified was an example of creating authority against the policy of the Umayyads to keep the Ummah away from the door of the house of Ali (a.s.) and his children.(1) And all this, according to the testimony of the gatherings of different traditions, despite the constant emphasis of the Prophet (PBUH) to limit the Imamate to the Ahl al-Bayt of purity and purity, and forbidding the Ummah from following the imams was invalid; “The society of people, I will be the next imams who will call to hell and on the Day of Resurrection, there will be no Christians” 2 .
The phenomenon of leaders of misguidance – which signifies fire – appeared alongside the imams of guidance and parallel to their divine mission. The sedition of the false Imamate of Jafar Kadhab, the son of Imam Hadi (a.s.), whose father “does not go”3 But he called himself “Noah” 4 It is called, it is one of those many adventures.
Mahdism, as an extract of Imamate, was not immune from the malice or ignorance of parallel creators. In this article, just for the sake of example, we will list a few cases of sects claiming Mahdism from the beginning of Islam until the era before the birth of Imam Zaman (A.S.):
۱٫ Sect “Maian” which was found in 40 AH and after the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (AS). They believed in the disappearance of Ali (a.s.) and said that he will return one day.
۲٫ Sect “Sabaya” who exaggerated about Ali (a.s.) to the highest level and believed that Ali (a.s.) is alive and resides in the clouds and will appear one day 5 .
۳٫ Sect “Kisania” They thought that Muhammad ibn Hanafiyah is the same as the Promised Mahdi (A.S.) and one day he will appear from Mount Razavi.
۴ sects “Yazidi” who believed that Yazid ibn Muawiyah ascended to the sky and will return one day and fill the world with justice 6 !!
۵٫ Sect “Hashmiya” who were the followers of Abu Hashim Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Hanafiyah and said that although Muhammad is dead, his son Abu Hashim is the promised Mahdi who will rise one day. ۷
۵٫ “Umar bin Abdulaziz” The 8th Umayyad caliph, who was believed by a group to be Mahdavi. ۸
۶٫ Sect “Zaidi” They thought that Zaid bin Ali bin Hussain bin Ali (a.s.) is from the descendants of Hussain (a.s.) and rose against the oppressors with a sword, so he is the promised Mahdi who rose up.9
۷٫ Bagheri Sect 8. Navusiya Sect 9. The Waqfi sect 10- The Ismaili sect…
Claimants of the Age of Absence
Although before the birth of Hazrat Imam Zaman (A.S.), the claimants were mostly of the Mutahedeen type – the claimants of the person of Mahdi (A.S.), but this time after the birth of the Prophet, and precisely from the end of the Age of Minor Occultation, the songs of the claimants “Babit” and Imam’s “embassy” was established. Even though His Holiness had appointed four representatives one after the other, there were those who claimed to be His Holiness’s proxy and embassy. Although some letters were issued by Imam (a.s.) refuting and refuting them.
The claim of the Prophet’s embassy started from the time of Sheikh Muhammad bin Othman Amrowi, the second ambassador of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). The first claimant of Imam’s Babit was “Abu Muhammad Shari’i, and after him Muhammad Ibn Nasir Nimiri, the founder of the Nasiriyah way, who was cursed by Hazrat Sahib Al-Amr, and Husayn Ibn Mansour, the famous Sufi Hallaj, and Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Ali Shalmaghani, known as Ibn Abi Al-Gharaqar, and Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Osman Baghdadi, Ahmad Ibn Hilal Kufi, and Abu Dalf Majnoun Muhammad Ibn Muzafar Abdullah Ibn Maimon Qadah became the claimant of the [Imam’s] proxy in 251, and Yahya Ibn Zakrawiyah became the claimant of the Bab in 281. Ibrahim first claimed the title of Imam and then claimed Imamate. Hossein Ibn Ali Esfahani and Ali Ibn Muhammad Sajstani Baghdadi and Seyyed Muhammad Handi became the claimant of the title. Abbas Fatemi in the late seventh century and Darvish Reza Abdullah Hasan al-Mahdi in 1899, then The Promised Mahdi announced. Muhammad Ahmad Ibn Abdullah Sudani, a Sufi, [became] the first [claimant] of the Imam’s Babit, and then he announced that he was the Mahdi, and in short, Sayyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi began his claim with being a Bab and progressed to divinity. Recently The Nematullahi Sufis are the proxy claimants for Junaid Baghdadi.10 . Sheikh Tusi has mentioned the names and characteristics of some of these claimants in an independent chapter in the Book of Al-Ghaibah. 11
Sufi mystics
Task-eschewing mysticism is the present-day form of methods independent of traditional Sufi law. It is clear that all superstitious currents, including Sufi, owe all their success to the credulity of those who ignore the amount of reason and revelation in measuring and verifying their surprising actions and words. “It is necessary to mention this point in understanding the nature of Sufism, that one of the first principles of this sect is “Tafars”. Based on this principle, Sufism first ensnares gullible and gullible people. The fools are always the buyers of their amazing words. The Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him He said: May Allah raise the opinion of misguided people and raise them against foolish people. ” ۱۲
Reflection and examination – even though it is brief – in Sufi terms, proves to us that the forgery of many titles of this tribe has its roots in their extravagant claims regarding the matter of governorship and Mahdism. For example, the titles “Qutb”, “Ghouth” and “Ghouth Azam” can be mentioned; As Javad Noorbakhsh, the leader of one of the Nematullahi Sufi orders, writes about the term “Qutb”: Because man is perfect and the world of knowledge and divine knowledge revolves around the axis of his existence13 “!! While this meaning is realized only for the Imams of Athar (a.s.).
Some of the sects of Sufis by dividing the “province” between their leaders and the infallible imams (as), under the false name of “Qumran province” 14 and “Detail Province” 15 Iqtab, within the “Walayat Shamsiyyah” and the “Walayat Kaliyeh” of the Infallible Imams (PBUH), has reached the “phenomenon of Wilayat without Imamate” 16 have made it official and also show the religious nature of their sects more than before. Title design “Alam Saghir”17 For Qutb in front of the great world; That is, Imam Masoom (a.s.) is another sign of the exaggeration of some Sufi sects to the extent that they write in the dignity of a “small scholar”: “So those news that came in the absence of Hazrat Qaim, all of them will be flowing in the world of small [pole]”!!18
Since the origin and growth of Sufism was the Sunn world and geography, the dervishes, based on the school of caliphs, sometimes believe in the “personal province” of their leaders and therefore do not place as much emphasis on the “personal province” of the pure Imams (peace be upon them). ! This deviation became the basis for the emergence of the Sufi muhammads. In the history of Sufism, there have not been few people who have claimed “Mahduit al-Nu’yyyah”; For example, in the 8th century, Dervish Muhammad Noorbakhsh – the head of the Noorbakhshih and Dhahabih dynasty of the Marafia dynasty – went out in the name of the Promised Mahdi, but he was caught and disciplined by Amir Timur Gurkani!
In this context, rereading the writings of Sufiya in the dignity of their leaders is surprising and worthy of reflection. One can understand the depth of the disaster by reading the writing of one of the Dervish Zahabi in the description of the freemason leader of the Zahabiyya Aghtashishiya Ahmadiyya sect, where he writes: “The pillar of Rakin and Balad Amin, the heir of the authority of Al-Walayah and Al-Hudaiya, the promoter of the Shariah Al-Ghara Al-Mustafawi and the leader of Al-Bayda Al-Mortazawi, the cave of Al-Abdal and Al-Utad Al-Zaman, the Qutb of Al-Awalia Kamalin, Abu Al-Waqat of Maulana Al-Azam, professor Dr. To us and to all Muslims, the light of guidance and protection… ۱۹ !!! The titles that you have in the world are not suitable for anyone except Hazrat Wali Allah Al-Azam (AS)!
Of course, the claims of Sufis do not end with mentioning these cases, but this is only a handful of examples of their many claims, and we hope to study and analyze the documents of Sufi beliefs and customs in this field in an independent article.
Claimants of the era of communication
Just to be honest, search the term “false claimants” on the Internet, and you will come across a lot of statistics and news of these devil brothers on the pages of websites and news agencies. Of course, you must have seen that in the last few years, the national media began to expose the hidden faces of some of these people by making documentary series called “false claimants”. According to the latest official report of the police force, “More than 50 cults and drug groups have entered Iran, half of them are active, and nearly 200 books have been translated, printed and distributed.20 ” have done Here, for example, we get to know some Samaritans of the age of communication:
۱٫ Seyyed Hossein Kazmini Boroujerdi, an apparently illiterate cleric who, with his fat language and false appearance, brought a crowd of ignorant people with him and claimed to be related to Imam Zaman (A.S.); But after his arrest, he admitted that instead of Imam Zaman, he had a relationship with Alireza Nourizadeh – a fugitive anti-revolutionary and an agent of Western services! And he used to earn more than 50 million tomans per month!
۲٫ The always hidden Iraqi man who claimed to be Seyyed Hosni! In the photo tablet that was obtained from him, it shows him wearing a green hand covering and a white veil on his face, under the photo attributed to one of the imams who says: “Iran is the second Karbala and I have a serious duty; my duty is to create a platform for the emergence of the world”! After the fall of Saddam, a number of Iraqi nationals living in Iran, while wearing long black clothes and green shawls, chanted slogans in support of him as Seyyed Hosni after Friday prayers in Tehran and Qom. This swindler expanded his activities in Karaj, Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad and Shiraz. One of his orders to the disciples was to mention the following blessings: “May God bless you, Mr. Seyyed”! He claimed that he roams the earth and the women of his disciples are also confidential to him! After his arrest, in addition to admitting to illicit relationship with Meridan, it turned out that he was a former student of Basra University. According to the governor of Basra, his group was led by the Zionist regime!
۳٫ A 50-year-old lady named B.B. who claimed to have a twin of the snake type! And he is in contact with demons and spirits, he introduced himself as the sixth helper of Imam Zaman (AS) and announced that he travels through the sky! He, who was planning to build a mosque for Imam Zaman (AS) Jamkaran 2 in the deserts around Qom, after being arrested, he admitted that he had defrauded only one of his disciples, a female doctor, of 70 million tomans!
۴٫ On December 12, 2016, there was a news on the news outlets that a person named Abdolreza Q, introducing himself as Imam Zaman, along with some of his relatives, is waiting to meet with the president in front of the presidential institution! He stated that he has a message for Dr. Ahmadinejad on two axes; One is to improve the economic situation and the other is to cancel the mourning ceremony of Sayyed al-Shahada! After the arrest and interrogation, it was found that two brothers of this claimant have been punished for terrorist acts in the past years and some of his children are living abroad.
۵٫ A lady named F. A. claimed to a group of her female followers that she is the future wife of Imam Zaman! He claimed that with his actions and writings, he has brought forward the time of Hazrat’s appearance by 40 years alone!
۶٫ More than 40 simple-minded people were tricked into performing Hajj rituals in the hills around Hashtgerd. And three times a day, he and his disciples used to imitate the empty prayer attributed to Imam Zaman! He claimed to travel in the worlds of existence with Imam Zaman and in his ship!21
Goals and motivations
A) Objectives of the Mothmadin
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) says about investigating the roots of sedition: “But the beginning of the fitn, the spirit follows and the laws are invented; 22 The source of all seditions is following carnal desires and rulings that are issued against Sharia.
In a general classification, the goals of the claimants can be divided into: a) personal motivations and b) group and organizational goals, divided. The available documents and experiences prove that usually the claimant deviant groups, directly or indirectly, have political streaks and continue to live under the guidance or support of foreigners. In a summary, the following can be listed as the main goals and motivations of the claimants – individual and group – of Mahdism:
۱٫ Gain fame and reputation.
۲٫ Gaining wealth and profiteering (from naive people);
The deceptive appearance of Salusian Makhor, Cain of the people
Their hope is not in God, but in wire and gold 23
۳٫ Lust and sexual abuse (especially by neglecting women and young people).
۴٫ The feeling of self-superiority, self-differentiation – becoming power-seeking and discipling (usually these types of claimants are mental patients who suffer from imagination and illusions).
۵٫ Compensating for life’s failures and putting an end to past disappointments and answering the inferiority complex.
۶٫ Fronting and opposition to religion, religion and Islamic system.
۷٫ Formation of moral corruption networks, drug distribution gangs, creation of anti-social groups (such as theft, murder and settlement of personal and group accounts).
۸٫ The formation of political-security networks to create disturbances and carry out subversive operations in the country (with the guidance and support of the enemies of the regime).
b) The motivations of the disciples
By reviewing the identity of the claimants, although we find that the number of claimants is more male than female, but most of the influencers and disciples are women and girls. The following can be considered as the most important motivations for following false claimants:
Easy and quick communication with the world of the unseen and with the innocents (a.s.), knowledge of the future, finding the power to summon spirits and demons, meeting worldly needs and attaining great wealth, curing incurable diseases, resolving family disputes and increasing his love and affection in The heart of others, revenge and defeat of a rival by unnatural means, success in life and education…
The methods of attracting Muslims
Claimant people, depending on their situation, facilities and goals, are engaged in attracting followers and disciples both through individual methods – face-to-face – and organizational methods – by determining groups and contact circles. In general, the methods and methods of influencing this group are as follows:
۱٫ Identifying and attracting naive and gullible people.
۲٫ Provision of the needs of the disciples and provision of the youth with money, materials, housing and provision of their necessities.
۳٫ Encouraging young people to have free sexual relations and physical education; Such as holding moral corruption meetings and mixed camps and advising women to remove the hijab in their ceremonies.
۴٫ Giving adkars and odes that are not proverbial and strange endings and distributing illegal and apparently attractive instructions.
۵٫ Blindfolding, squinting, remonstrating and performing extraordinary or unusual things such as summoning demons and conquering spirits.
۶٫ Exaggerating claims and big lies such as: Claiming dignity and miracles, claiming to know the secrets and mysteries of existence and discovering the secrets and secrets of the Magu, mastering strange sciences and knowing the properties of letters, numbers and tables.
۷٫ Making dreams or interpreting the dreams of disciples in an attractive and desired way.
۸٫ Rhetoric and eloquence and abuse of the power of self-expression in attracting the audience.
۹٫ Tafsir according to the opinion of the Qur’an and religious sources and heresy in performing religious ceremonies and issuing fatwas, such as praying in Persian or abandoning it completely when determining the meaning.
۱۰٫ Transferring a sense of false personality to the disciples, such as giving special missions and embassies to each disciple.
۱۱٫ Claiming intercession for sins and curing incurable diseases.
۱۲٫ Claiming connection and affiliation with ecclesiastical, judicial, security and police institutions and other justified centers of the system in order to gain the trust of disciples.
۱۳٫ Claiming easy and effortless delivery of disciples to spiritual authorities; For example, only by pledging allegiance, kissing hands, and unquestioning obedience to Murad.
۱۴٫ Infiltrating NGOs – non-governmental organizations – with the promise of material aid and spiritual arrests.
Ways of knowing the Muslims
It should be known that:
۱٫ Basically, it is and is possible to visit the presence of the guardian of God (A.J.) for some properties of the saints; As the honors of great people such as Sayyid Ibn Tavus and Sayyid Mahdi Bahrul Uloom, etc. are recorded in the history of Mahdism; But it is obvious that not every claimant can be confirmed in this regard. Rather, the confirmation of Tashraf’s claim requires proofs and proofs; Including the lack of contradiction of the claim with religious grounds and proof of the claimant’s many pious records. It should be known that the two characteristics of a mature person are: “First) piety, which means resistance to lust, alcohol and neglect and second) knowledge and rationality”24 . Undoubtedly, the records of the plaintiffs are an accurate measure to measure the quality and verify their claims.
۲٫ As stated in the statement of the Supreme Leader of the 25th Revolution It also came, the real honorees and the real relatives of the Prophet are not the ones to make claims and open profit-seeking shops; So it should be taken for granted that those who are proud are not claimants. Hadith Qudsi “The elders under the dome do not know others”26 It shows the content;
Whoever taught the secrets of the truth
They sealed and sewed his mouth
۳٫ Although it is impossible to deny seeing the Holy Prophet, it should be known that the meeting with Imam Zaman (AS) is one-sided and not two-sided if it is true. That is, it is not the case that whenever the claimant wants to, he can be honored. Therefore, the claim of voluntary observation is inconsistent with our beliefs.
Perhaps the philosophy of issuing narrations that emphasize the rejection of Tashraf claim – despite the proof of Tashraf of some elders – is to prevent the spread of the market of deceitful claimants, so that by this means every liar cannot offer his fake goods.
۴٫ Although it is a physical visitation or a visual appearance of His Holiness; But the principle or merit is not unique, because first of all, knowledge and insight in knowing one’s position, rights, and following the orders of His Holiness is the principle; “I am dumb and dumb, he knows that the Imam of the time is dumb and dies in ignorance”27 And secondly, according to the documents of the history of Mahdism, so far, some Christians, Muslims and non-Muslims or non-Shia people have been honored to attend, but they did not have much merit.
۵٫ The claimant of proxy, embassy, representation and notification of the special order of Imam Zaman (A.S.), according to the explicit text of the Prophet’s signature 28He is a slanderer and a liar. In a letter addressed to his last special deputy, Hazrat emphasized that anyone who claims to “observe” should deny him. Of course, in the explanation and interpretation of this passage from Mubarak’s signature, it should be noted that the meaning of the observer’s denial is not the denial of the original vision, but the denial of an observation whose owner claims to have a voluntary vision. The subtle point is that “observation” is based on the weight of reaction and indicates a unilateral action such as a transaction where the will of both parties is involved; Fathomlah
۶٫ Authentic traditions have strictly forbidden us from timing – specifying the time of the Prophet’s appearance or determining the time limit of the Prophet’s appearance. In response to a question about the time of the promised advent, Imam Baqir (a.s.) said three times: “Those who set the time are lying”29 . Imam Sadiq (a.s.) also said to Muhammad bin Muslim: “Muhammad! If someone narrates a time from us for the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.), do not be afraid to deny him! Because we do not set a time for anyone.” 30
۷٫ The school of Islam is the school of “the originality of perfection”, not the school of the originality of suffering and discipline or the school of the originality of dignity. Although discipline strengthens and strengthens the soul, this strength has nothing to do with righteousness. So, assuming the truth of the claims of the plaintiffs in doing extraordinary things, it should be known that firstly: creating dignity or being powerful in breaking the rules of nature or communicating with invisible beings, will not be proof of the legitimacy and as a result of the claimant’s righteousness, and secondly: the power to communicate With invisible beings or unnatural abilities, as evidenced by documented news, it also comes from infidels, miscreants, immoral people, and irreligious people. The force of rising from the ground or flying in the sky, which even weak insects like cockroaches are capable of, what legitimacy and legitimacy can it bring to the perpetrator?! Everyone knows that Indian monks or a person like David Copperfield, who is in front of the cameras News agencies from all over the world have crossed the wall of China, they are doing such amazing things that the false claimants of our society cannot imagine them even in their dreams!
۸٫ Anti-Islam and avoiding Muslims are signs of false claimants. The easiest way to recognize these people is against the explicit laws and the great sins they commit; like the: Gossip, slander, mixing with the forbidden, illicit relationships, etc. The plaintiffs have proved in practice that they do not pay much attention to the Sharia, customs and morals of the Islamic society.
۹٫ It should not be ignored that God’s promise regarding the spread of justice and the realization of the rule of the righteous on earth and the raising of the flag of Islam by the righteous servants of God, despite the repeated claims of these claimants, not only has it not yet been fulfilled, but no one recognizes the attribute of justice in them. !
۱۰٫ In general, it can be said: The common intellectual aspect of all these claimants and superstitious groups: a) Eclecticism in beliefs b) Secularist view of religion and the world c) Extreme religious-religious tolerance d) Pluralistic view is the essence of their thought and action. It can be said that these sects are the concrete crystallization of the claim of “straight paths”. In this way, the claimant, Qutb, Murtaz, Sahir, etc., and in short, any way to reach numerous facts is recommended; And now that God’s commandment is “Do not follow the path, let it separate you from the path.”31 Is.
Oh God, I do not want you in a generous world, praise for Islam and its people, and humiliation for hypocrisy and its people.
۱ . Seyyed Ali Kamali Dezfuli, Tarikh Tafsir, Sufiya Library, p. 141.
۲ . Ghadiriya’s sermon of Rasool Akram (PBUH), contained in Asrar Ghadeer, p. 155.
۳ . Ali Amir Mostufian, Leaders of Misguidance, p. 241.
۴ . the same
۵ . Ali Akbar Fayaz, History of Islam, p. 140.
۶ . Sadouq al-Damluji, El-Yazidiya, p. 164.
۷ . Nobakhti, Farq Shia, p. 48.
۸ . Saad Mohammad Hassan, Al-Mahdiyyah in Islam, p. 182.
۹ . Muqatil al-Talbeen, Abulfaraj Esfahani, translation: Seyed Hashim Rasouli Mahalati, p. 129, research: Ali Akbar Ghafari, Sadouq Bookstore, Tehran.
۱۰ . Ali Amir Mostofian, Leaders of Misguidance, pp. 269-268.
۱ ۱ _ Sheikh Tusi, Al-Ghaiba, pp. 267-281.
۱۲٫ Seyyed Mojtabi Mujahidian, I don’t want Sufi without peace (1), Jamuri Islamic newspaper 1/17/87.
۱۳ . Javad Nurbakhsh, Kharabat, p. 125.
۱۴ . Seyyed Mohammad Taqi Vahedi (Saleh Alishah), in Koi Sufian, p. 167.
۱۵ . Mohammad Hassan Saleh Alisha, Saleh’s letters, p. 29.
۱۶ . Seyyed Mohammad Taqi Vahedi (Saleh Alishah), in Koi Sufian, p. 167.
۱۷ . Mulla Sultan Gonabadi, Velayat Nameh, p. 71.
۱۸ . the same
۱۹ . Bagheri, introduction to the book “Abdullah Qutb Schools”, Khanqah Ahmadi Publications.
۲۰ . Deputy Commander of the Police Force, Fars News Agency, 6/26/87.
۲۱ . These items – 1-6 – were received from Sharif News, Aria News, Farda News.
۲۲ . Nahj al-Balagha: Sermon 50.
۲۳ . Mohammad Ali Mujahidi
۲۴ . Hasan Rahimpour Azghadi, Vijnameh Kajraheh (Jam Jam Newspaper), Monotheistic Spirituality, Shrek Aloud Spirituality, p. 41.
۲۵ . Statements of the Supreme Leader in the middle of Sha’ban, 5/27/87, Jamori-e-Islami newspaper.
۲۶ . Qudsi Hadith
۲۷ . Allameh Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 32, p. 331.
۲۸. On the 9th of Sha’ban 329 A.H. Six days before the death of Ali bin Muhammad Samari – the fourth special representative – a letter was issued to him from Imam Zaman (a.s.) stating that whoever claims to have seen it, refute him, because he is a liar – not a liar – and a slanderer! Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 151).
۲۹ . Shiqah al-Islam Kalini, Kafi, vol. 1, p. 368, h. 5.
۳۰ . The same, H3.
۳۱ . Gratuity/ 153.