Following the spread of violent acts that some ignorant people have attributed to Islam, British Muslims have been subjected to more scrutiny, criticism and analysis than any other religious community, but despite this negative image of Islam, thousands of Britons convert to Islam every year. become
Estimating the new number of Muslims living in Britain has always been difficult because the statistical information of this country does not ask people about their religious affiliation or the religion their parents had. Previous estimates put the number of new British Muslims at between 14,000 and 25,000, but a new study by an interfaith research organization called Religion Matters suggests that the true number of British converts to Islam is reaches 100 thousand and on average it can be said that 5 thousand people convert to Islam every year…
Using the 2001 statistics of Scotland as the only research in which the question of religion at the time of birth and religion at the time of research was raised, the researchers investigated what share of new Muslims was among different ethnicities and what proportion was among the British. .
In this research, they came to the conclusion that in 2001, British people who converted to Islam were estimated at 60,699 people. By examining mosques in London, the number of people who convert to Islam in the capital of this country in a 12-month period is 1,400 people, and by examining the whole country, this number reaches 5,200 people per year.
This statistic is compared to studies conducted in Germany and France, which announced that 4,000 people become Muslims in these countries every year.
Fayaz Moghul, the director of the research organization “Deen Matters” admitted that providing reliable statistics on the number of people who convert to Islam is a difficult task. This report has provided the best statistics close to the truth.
In response to the reasons for turning to Islam, he said: Many people become interested in this religion when they find out the true message of Islam. In the meantime, various reactions take place. Some people shrug their shoulders and continue their normal lives, but some people discover the truth of Islam and become Muslims.
Inayat Banglawala, the founder of the “Muslims for Britain” center, which promotes the active presence of Muslims in British society, said that these figures are not improbable. One in 600 Britons are converts to Islam. Islam is a missionary religion, and many Islamic organizations, especially student associations, run successful and special programs to remove misconceptions about this religion.